
Monday, March 15, 2010

Menu Monday-Around the House Edition

Every now and again, we need to clean out the pantry, fridge and freezer. We are often so focused on getting a good deal, buying in bulk on sale to save a penny that we stockpile like little squirrels until our freezer doors barely close and we can't see everything we have in the pantry because its stacked one upon another. This can be GREAT for the budget but I think we WASTE more sometimes than we save. Trying to eat well and as clean as possible, I feel the need to discard some older stuff.

So my mission over the next few weeks is to work on eating out of our stores of food and inventorying what I have left to better use items. (and to give myself over to my organization OCD.)

So on the menu this week:

Eggplant Pot Pie (will use up the eggplants on the counter and the pie shells in the fridge plus sprouting potatoes, carrots and celery)

Bean Soup (I have a bag of random beans I put together from the Farmer's Market Bin)

Soft Taco's (Will use Frozen Ground turkey, beans, a part of a head of lettuce left in the fridge)

Collard Greens (from the market), bratwurst (from the freezer) and Fried Potatoes (sprouting in the basket)

Brussel Sprouts (from LAST weeks Market) and Baked Chicken (from the Freezer)


TraceyT said...

ok maybe I am coming for dinner one day..hahahaha I wish!!! luv ya!

julie said...

Sounds like a great menu! I think I could take some of your advice. I forgot to make a list and just bought my third head of broccoli today - ugh! Cream of broccoli soup here we come. I'm just stopping by from Lady Blogger's Tea Party and thought your blog looked interesting!

Unknown said...

Oh, that sounds like a great menu. I do the same thing, overbuy and then forget what I have. I've been trying to buy less and it is working! Stopping by from Lady Blogger's Tea Party!