
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moving Forward to 2010

So a few months ago, I decided to change up my blog, but what difference have you really seen besides consistency in posting and a little more personalization? Well my dear friends, change is a comin'.

Where I see my blog in 2010: a true preservation of tradition taking food from a tiny seed to the table.

Last year, my garden BOMBED. It had a little to do with weather, pests and a lot to do with time. I did not can hardly at all. (I'm pretty much out of canned goods unless you like soggy pickles). This year, I hope things are different. I'm planning two-three gardens. (I've given up on landscaping so I'm just going to plant edible stuff everywhere and aesthetics be damned). I'm going for mass amounts of variety so I can CAN everything! I want to put how to's on my blog. Last year I learned the true value of the Farmer's Market and utilizing other local grower's. You know what? I don't have to do everything myself which will help alleviate the stress to grow EVERYTHING. I have so much in my head to give to all of you. Canning tips, resources, recipes, etc. I'm very excited to finally form my blog into what I had dreamed of originally but got lost along the way. I relaxed into it and I hope you will all love where it goes.

The immediate future: Healthy recipes. Once the holidays are over, I'm going to work on some healthy eating options as we ALL will be doing the New Year's diets. Then we will transition into light spring dishes and fresh summer garden dishes. The Fall Harvest will take over with all the storing of foods and hearty fragrant fall dishes, back into Christmas baking and cooking extravaganza. Mix in some book and product reviews and we have a busy year planned here at the Garden Gourmet. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky this year and be eating some really crazy stuff to satisfy pregnancy cravings (but don't hold your breath on that one.)

So to all my readers, THANK YOU for continuing this journey with me. I hope 2009
filled your home with fragrant smells of well cooked food and family, and I wish for you in 2010 a warm home of fabulous dishes and traditions. May God Bless you and yours and may your kitchen be the heart of the home.

1 comment:

Linda said...

You're blog is wonderful and such an inspiration. I look forward to what you have to say in 2010!